Heroic Mother Dog Endures Starvation and Freezing Cold for Months to Keep Her Five Puppies Fed

The story of Celeste, a devoted dog mom, has touched people all over the Internet. Celeste was heartlessly abandoned when she was pregnant at the age of two, although she is peaceful, kind and loving. She was forced to live on the streets and give 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡 without protection.


Due to her difficult circumstances, she practically came to naught as she tried everything she could to take care of her cherished puppies.

The life of a street dog is difficult. In addition, you need to give 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡, feed and care for five puppies. Celeste and her five puppies were discovered terribly emaciated, which makes sense. All the nutrients she had were spent on feeding and keeping her puppies warm during the brutal cold of winter.

“She was so emaciated, and these puppies were nursing like crazy, and she just did her duty as a mom even though she was starving”” recalls Celeste’s adoptive mother Elaine.


It was discovered that Celeste’s puppies were in perfect health despite their difficult start in life. Celeste’s physique showed the scars of malnutrition from her struggle to keep her five puppies alive. The loving mom had done everything she could to keep her 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥ren safe and healthy for about five months. Celeste was the one who finally attracted attention.

“Celeste would rather starve to death than starve her puppies,” the BC SPCA said. “She sacrificed everything to keep her puppies safe after a difficult life outside, and it’s time she received the same affection.”



It seemed like fate when Celeste and her puppies were welcomed into the home of the adoptive mother of the British Columbia SPCA, Elaine Nelson-Hosak. Celeste came into her life immediately after the death of her dearest friend. It was almost as if the time had been meticulously planned. They needed each other. Celeste and her puppies needed love and care, and who better than a canine partner to relieve the love of a wounded heart?


Celeste was able to gradually but regularly gain weight and strength afterwards, thanks to a careful “re-eating” strategy. Her body responded well to six small, nutrient-dense meals each day, and she quickly gained 90 pounds. In addition, four of her five puppies have already found loving homes and had comforting reunions.


She had clearly found her permanent home based on her reaction to therapy and her connection with her adoptive mother. Celeste, called “Mom” by her family, is now living the life of a spoiled puppy, cuddling on the couch with her family and staying warm by the fire. It’s a world apart from his old life on the street. She is no longer withering away, but she has discovered her vocation. Mom is now safe, warm and loved.

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