“Strange Discoveries No One Can Explain”

This video delves into mysterious and unexplained phenomena throughout history, touching on topics such as real-life assassins, ancient societies, and giant beings.

Ancient World Assassins


The video begins with a discussion about the Assassins, a deadly organization active in the 11th century. The Assassins were a small sect of Muslims who broke away from the larger Shiite community and took refuge in the mountains of Syria and Iran. They became highly skilled killers to survive against their enemies. A well-known example of their work is the assassination of Conrad of Montferrat, a Crusader leader.

The Eternal Power of the Snake Cult

Next, the video explores the world of snake cults, which have existed since the dawn of time. The Snake Cult was founded in Egypt by Nida, the son of Enki, the serpent god of the Anunnaki. This cult promoted ideas of Enlightenment, philosophy, and self-improvement. Eventually, it spread to Judea, where it became known as the Essenes, the authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Searching for Evidence of Giants


The video then dives into the possibility of giants’ existence. It discusses cases such as Robert Wadlow, a giant who died at a young age due to a growth hormone issue, and Bashishun, a healthy giant who lived in the 18th century. The video also entertains the theory that Bigfoot might be a descendant of Gigantopithecus, a massive ape that lived millions of years ago.

Giants and the Ozarks

The video wraps up by examining evidence of giants in the Ozarks region of the United States. In the late 19th century, stories began circulating about unusually large skeletons being unearthed in burial mounds. One of the most famous discoveries was made in 1934 by JD Crane, who found seven skeletons, including one measuring over 8 feet tall.

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In summary, this video presents a fascinating exploration of some of the world’s most mysterious and unexplained phenomena. From ancient assassins to giant beings, it offers viewers a glimpse into the unknown. To write a compelling article based on this video, focus on its mix of historical intrigue, mythological connections, and the enduring human fascination with the unknown.


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