The US Navy Unveils Footage of a Mysterious UFO Submerging into the Ocean

A recently surfaced video captures an unidentified flying object (UFO) swiftly maneuvering past a US Navy vessel before pausing behind it. Filmmaker Jeremy Corbell, renowned for his dissemination of footage depicting a pyramid-shaped UFO filmed by the USS Russell crew in July 2019, has unveiled this remarkable clip on his website,

On July 15, 2019, the Combat Information Center (CIC) aboard the USS Omaha recorded video of a black spherical object traversing the sky. Throughout the observation, the object’s speed varied between 46 and 158 miles per hour.

Though the submarine was reportedly tasked with searching for UFOs, no concrete results were obtained. Jeremy mentioned that the object remains unidentified.

This adds weight to the theory that many of the UFOs spotted by the US Navy are versatile crafts capable of missions both in the air and underwater. “I can confirm that the information was collected by the US Navy, and the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force is actively investigating it,” said Pentagon spokeswoman Susan Gough.

Corbell suggests that the identified vehicles pass through an undersea UFO base en route to and from various locations.

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